Software Engineer Intern @
Lumentum (New
Taipei City, Taiwan | 10/2021-02/2022)
Data Science Intern @
(Hsinchu, Taiwan | 07-09/2021)
Data Science Intern @
DuPont (Hsinchu,
Taiwan | 07-08/2020)
Data Science Intern @
(Hsinchu, Taiwan | 10/2019-06/2020)
*I am the only developer of these projects, and I'm working on them alongside my full-time job. Please note that updates may not always be timely. Thank you for your understanding ;p
(Coming soon on PlayStore) RaspCamera: Live H.264 Video Stream (This app is for Cream Puff!!)
(Coming soon on AppStore) Sunrise: Notes for LeetCode
(Coming soon on AppStore) TinyTerminal: SSH & SFTP
(Coming soon on AppStore) Sync: Your Tesla, Your Command